Suofeiya Home Furniture Edge Banding Machine BarCode Reading Application

Project Products:   X4

Seuic Fixed Barcode Scanners Impact on Your Business

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Soufeiya Home is a leading Chinese furniture brand known for its high-quality, customizable home furnishings. Specializing in wardrobes, cabinets, and other storage solutions, Sophia Home integrates modern design with functional aesthetics to meet diverse customer needs. The brand emphasizes innovation, craftsmanship, and sustainable practices, making it a popular choice for stylish and practical living spaces in China.

Pain Points

When edging the custom furniture panels, it's necessary to collect the QR code on the panel and associate it with process parameters such as temperature, pressure, speed, and edge band consumption data from the production equipment. However, there are several difficulties in automatic code reading due to the variety of panel sizes and specifications:

  • Wide scanning range: Due to the various panel sizes, the production line width reaches 1.5 meters.
  • Barcode obstruction: For small-sized panels, the QR code on them may be partially or completely obscured by the internal structure of the edge banding machine during the process.
  • Reflective surface materials: Different surface materials of the panels may have varying reflective properties, such as glossy, matte, or metallic finishes.


  • Improve production efficiency: Reduce the time spent on manual scanning and data entry, minimize production line downtime, and enhance overall productivity.
  • Lower production costs: Reduce reliance on manual labor, decrease labor costs, and avoid rework and material waste caused by human errors.
  • Enhance data management: Real-time data collection during the production process provides accurate and timely information for the production management system, allowing customers to better understand the production status.


Seuic X4 Industrial barcode reader:

  • Networking solution: Use a four-device networking setup. One device is installed at the board entry point specifically to handle barcode occlusion issues with small-sized boards. The other three devices are mounted along the production line, with each covering a 60cm field of view, fully covering the entire width of the production line with no blind spots.
  • Configure polarizing lenses: These can effectively solve the reflection interference caused by the surface of the boards.

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