User Profile
Founded in 1953, Beijing 301 Hospital is a sizable, state-of-the-art comprehensive medical facility that combines medical care, education, and scientific research.
Pain Points
- Inability to access patient information in real time;
- Frequent trips between nurse stations and wards;
- Lack of order information synchronization;
- Error-prone retrospective writing and manual transcription;
- Inadequate data timeliness.
- "Three Checks and Seven Rights" in real-time: "Right patient, right bed number, right medication, right dosage, right concentration, right time, right route" are the "Seven Rights"; "Three Checks" are "Check before operation, check during operation, check after operation.".
- Vital signs of patients, such as blood pressure, respiration, and temperature, are collected in real time at the bedside.
- Verifying the most recent modifications to medical orders in real-time: to avoid mistakes, the most recent orders are checked while they are being executed.
- By constructing a mobile nursing system, medical staff can extend their nursing duties into the wards by utilizing wireless networks and CRUISE2 5G-HC mobile computers. By doing this, the nursing workflow's process control is strengthened, especially with regard to the execution and confirmation of medical orders.
- Patient data can be viewed and browsed in real time using the nursing information system. Information about the patient, including blood pressure, temperature, pulse, and intake/output, is gathered via a mobile handheld terminal that is more secure and convenient.
- Additionally, it maintains electronic records of the patient's condition and treatment and verifies patient information, including patient identity and order execution.