Mobile Nursing Application for Beijing 301 Hospital

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Beijing 301 Hospital, established in 1953, is a large modern comprehensive hospital integrating medical treatment, healthcare, teaching, and scientific research.

Pain Points

  • Inability to access patient information in real-time
  • Frequent trips between wards and nurse stations
  • Lack of synchronization of order information
  • Prone to errors due to manual transcription and retrospective writing
  • Poor data timeliness


  • Real-time "Three Checks and Seven Rights":  "Three Checks" are: "Check before operation, check during operation, check after operation"; "Seven Rights" are: "Right patient, right bed number, right medication, right dosage, right concentration, right time, right route".
  • Real-time bedside collection of patient vital signs: temperature, respiration, blood pressure, etc.  
  • Real-time verification of the latest changes in medical orders: checking the latest orders during execution to prevent errors.


  • By building a mobile nursing system, the nursing work of medical staff can be extended into the wards through CRUISE2 5G-HC mobile computer using wireless networks. This strengthens process control in the nursing workflow, primarily including the confirmation and execution of medical orders. 
  • The nursing information system is used for real-time browsing and viewing of patient information. A more convenient and secure mobile handheld terminal is used to collect patient-related information such as temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and intake/output.
  • It also verifies patient information, such as patient identity and orders, confirms the execution of orders, and maintains electronic records of the patient's condition and treatment.

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