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RFID Readers: Interpretation of Power Equipment Inspection Application


Brief Introduction

With the rapid development of the power industry, the number of production equipment in the power system is increasing and the distribution is becoming wider and wider. This poses a problem for power equipment inspection.

With the rapid development of the powerindustry, the number of production equipment in the power system is increasingand the distribution is becoming wider and wider. This poses a problem forpower equipment inspection. But power equipment inspection is an importantfactor to ensure the safe and stable operation of equipment. The traditionalinspection method cannot meet the current inspection requirements of powerequipment at all.

Difficulties in inspection of traditionalpower equipment

1. The lines are distributed in a widerange and there are a large number of inspection personnel. It is impossiblefor everyone to have the technical ability of a senior engineer. Improper on-sitehandling may easily cause accidents or cause hidden dangers;

2. When individual inspectors cannotconduct normal equipment inspections due to unexpected circumstances, the basicwork of equipment inspections is not smooth, and equipment monitoring and managementcannot be carried out effectively in real time;

3. Unable to achieve uniform andstandardized implementation, and perform operations such as climbing poles forinspection and maintenance as required, resulting in short circuits,large-scale power outages, equipment damage, etc.;

4. The division of responsibility is notclear, and there is insufficient evidence for identification of the cause afterthe accident.

Interpretation of RFID handheldapplications

Using Seuic RFID Reader with RFIDpower inspection system can effectively conduct inspection command, inspectionprocess playback, inspection process evaluation, etc., which enhances thestability, reliability and controllability of inspection work, and improves thequality of the inspection work has effectively reduced the accident rate andimproved the work efficiency of the power department.

1. Improve Work Standardization

The inspectors use the AUTOID UTouch RFIDReader, the RFID system will plan the periodic inspection tasks of theinspectors, automatically remind the inspectors of the task start everymorning, and guide the inspectors to the destination. According to the detailedlist of maintenance items popped up by the AUTOID UTouch RFID Reader, fill inand take photos and send them back to the server in time.

2. Technical Support

During the maintenance and inspectionprocess, if you encounter uncertain problems, you can apply to the center forsupport through the AUTOID UTouch RFID handset, and the senior technicians inthe center can conduct remote image consultation and determine the solution. Onthe server side, management personnel can grasp the situation of all inspectorsand the historical inspection data of each target point, provide reasonableinspection guidance, and improve the scientific nature of inspection work.

The battery of AUTOID UTouch RFID handheld is only 480g, which is convenient for inspection personnel to carry, and the reduced weight of its own equipment reduces the intensity ofinspection; the design of 6400mAh replaceable battery lasts for more than 3hours per battery, supports hot swapping, and does not shut down. It can bereplaced to meet the high-intensity work of outdoor power inspection. Support Beidou, GLONASS, GPS three-mode high-precision positioning function, realize real-timerecording of power inspection operation track, and ensure personnel safety.