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Build Smart Retail Stores, RFID Readers Improve Operational Efficiency


Brief Introduction

RFID technology, as a non-contact automatic identification technology, brings great advantages and opportunities to retail store companies. This article will introduce in detail the advantages that RFID readers bring to retail store companies, hoping to help companies understand how to use RFID technology to achieve more efficient and smarter business management.
RFID technology, as a non-contact automatic identification technology, brings great advantages and opportunities to retail store companies. This article will introduce in detail the advantages that RFID readers bring to retail store companies, hoping to help companies understand how to use RFID technology to achieve more efficient and smarter business management.

1. Improve inventory management efficiency

Inventory management in traditional retail stores requires manual counting of goods, and problems such as omissions and miscounts are prone to occur, causing great trouble to enterprises. After the introduction of RFID technology, you only need to attach RFID tags to the goods to achieve fully automatic identification and monitoring of the goods. Staff holding the AUTOID UTouch2 RFID reader can quickly scan product tags and accurately record the quantity, type, location and other information of each product, greatly improving the accuracy and efficiency of inventory management.

2. Improve commodity traceability capabilities

Both retail store companies and consumers are very concerned about information such as the source and production batch of goods. The application of RFID technology can realize the full traceability of goods. AUTOID UTouch2 RFID reader can record the production date, production location, logistics and transportation status of the product, ensuring the authenticity and safety of the product, and effectively improving the credibility of the company and the purchasing confidence of consumers.

3. Optimize the inventory counting process

Inventory counting in traditional retail stores requires a lot of manpower and time, and is prone to missing or wrong orders. The application of RFID technology can realize real-time monitoring and inventory of the entire inventory. Only the AUTOID UTouch2 RFID reader needs to scan the entire inventory area to automatically identify all product information and quantities, quickly complete the inventory count, and greatly reduce the inventory cost and workload.

4. Improve the intelligence of shopping malls

With the advent of the intelligent era, retail store companies need to adapt to market changes and improve their competitiveness. The application of RFID technology can help enterprises achieve intelligent operation and management. Through the linkage of the AUTOID UTouch2 RFID reader and intelligent analysis system, data such as product sales and customer flow can be monitored in real time, providing enterprises with accurate business decision-making basis.